Custom project

Reaction Understanding System

An automated system for sampling and analysing reactions formulated by the system.

Key features

WeighingMettler XPR accurately doses powder
AnalysisThe system interfaces with an LCMS directly
SchedulingAdvanced scheduling software keeps sampling on time
CappingTubes are capped and decapped by the system
WashingAll septum piercing needles are washed between samples
Glovebox Specifically designed to be used in the customers glovebox


The pharmaceutical industry relies heavily on the synthesis of compounds formed during controlled chemical reactions. The reaction understanding system automates the process of setting up a reaction, performing the reaction and monitoring its development. The system has been designed to fit in the end user’s custom glovebox.

This process has been split and is performed by two modules. The sample preparation module features a Mettler XPR balance to accurately dose powder with an extra-large carousel capable of storing over 100 powder hoppers. 7 syringe pumps can dispense up to 14 different liquids per formulation. The reaction execution module takes these prepared tubes and reacts them in 3 Integrity 10 reactors. A dual XYZ cantilever robot samples these reactions and outputs the results to a rack of HPLC vials. These racks are then subsampled, and the sample is transferred directly to an online LCMS for analysis. Our custom scheduling software can handle multiple reaction sets at once ensuring samples are taken on time.



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