
Fraction Collector and Re-formatter system for Bayer CropScience

The mechanical and electrical build phase of the Bayer CropScience Fraction Collector and Re-formatter system is nearing completion.
Project spotlightProcess insights 3 min read

Katie SimpsonPublished 25th Oct 2013

The mechanical and electrical build phase of the Bayer CropScience Fraction Collector and Re-formatter system is nearing completion.

This is a first for Labman as we are fitting a new robotic system in to an existing enclosure that was originally installed by Labman in 2002.
The new system is capable of collecting up to 500 fractions and reformatting them into empty output vials. The process is performed by an XYZ robot which is equipped with a voltage controlled valve and an aliquoting/dispensing needle. A needle wash station is also incorporated within the workspace. The robot is mounted to a Trespa bed designed to drop into the existing framework. The bed can hold 12 vial racks with each rack having a capacity of 50 vials.