Custom project

Paint formulation system

Dispenses and mixes raw ingredients and bases in samples pots, preparing them for drawdown and analysis on other Labman systems.
Labman custom system: Paint formulation system

Key features

Powder feedingPowder feeder dispense to 100mg.
Force sensingMitsubishi Robot Arm wrist force sensor. Allows more robust picking, placing, capping, de-capping, handling of paint pots.
Liquid handling/dispensingPeri-Pump/pinch valve dispense accuracy of 20mg. Syringe dispense accuracy of 3mg.
MixingDual Asymmetric Centrifuge (DAC) used to mix the pots.
Capping/de-cappingRobust process using robot arm force sensing wrist.


The system dispenses bulk liquids & slurries via peri-pump or pressurised vessels (pinch valve) into sample pots. It can accommodate 2 different sized sample pots. Powder additions can also be added via auger feeder. More critical additions are added via pressurised syringes with an accuracy of 3 milligrams. All additions are weighed to 4dp. The system can accommodate up to 18 x bulk dispensers, 2 x powder feeders and 32 x syringe dispensers. The materials are stirred continuously throughout the run to ensure homogeneity. When the relevant additions have been made, the sample pot is mixed before being returned to the rack. The system can process up to 120 pots in a single run (4 racks of 30 pots). The system uses a Mitsubishi robot arm mounted on a 7th axis to handle the pots including capping and de-capping.


Mitsubishi robot arm in paint formulation system

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